A programmer in a red hoodie sitting in front of a monitor

My name is Jason Teitelbaum

I make applications for the web

Mission Statement

My goal is to improve the lives of people around me. When it comes to software development that means working on projects with real impact, and helping to cultivate a positive environment. I will always do my absolute best, seeking opportunities to grow and learn from others or share my knowledge with them.


I graduated with a Bachelor of Computing from the University of Guelph, where I learned the fundamentals, participated in hackathons, and helped run the student organization for the school of computing. I've always been passionate about learning and connecting my knowledge of many different topics together. Since graduating, I've worked as a programming instructor and an Engineer in Test and have completed online courses and projects in Machine Learning, Hardware Design, and Web Development. I am always seeking new opportunities to learn and grow my skills.



Life Pong

After a friend showed me this tweet, I knew right away I was going to build my own version. I had never used the Canvas API before, but it was lots of fun to learn and gave me some great ideas for future projects! Throw in the idea to incorporate Conway's game of life, and this is what you get.

Skills: JavaScript, CSS, Canvas API

Inventory Management System

Building out a CRUD app from scratch, this was an opportunity to put some of my new full stack development skills to the test. I created the API with node/express and then set up a React client to send requests and display the appropriate data.

Skills: React, Typescript, Express, MongoDB

Tic Tac Toe

Practicing the basics of React, and building a clean UI with a touch of depth.

Skills: React, CSS

VM Translator

This was a fun and challenging project as part of the course "nand to tetris". After building a working computer (called the HACK computer) and assembler in the first part of the course, students are then asked to build a compiler for a high-level programming language (similar to Java). This program is my Python implementation of a key part of that compiler, which translates virtual machine code into HACK assembly. If this is all tech mumbo jumbo to you, don't worry! Better yet, try the course yourself! It's one of the coolest learning experiences I've ever had :)

Skills: Python, Compilers


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